The Times - Language and Audience



1) What is the main story on the front cover of the Times CSP edition (26 April 2019) and why does it appeal to Times readers?

The main story is talking about private schools that are going against the labour policy to change the VAT to private school fee. This appeals to a Times reader as they are most likely to be older showing they have kids that go to private schools.

2) List the other news stories and kickers on the front page of the Times CSP edition. Why do you think the Times selected these for the front page?

The other stories are about security leak and about sleeping well. Times carefully selected sleeping well for the front cover as most readers have high powered jobs which could cause stress. Also the security leak is about politics and crime which are a few aspects times readers are interested in.

3) What are the main stories on the inside pages of the Times CSP edition and how are they constructed to appeal to Times readers?

The main story inside the page of the Times is about Sir lanker tourists worried about terror, this is constructed to appeals to the audience as it portrays global matters that may strike importance to wealthy people who work across the world. 

4) Which of Galtung and Ruge's News Values apply to the Times's front page stories? Write about both the main story on private schools and the government leak enquiry. 

5) What does a close analysis of the news stories in the Times CSP edition suggest about the Times's political beliefs?

The Times is right-wing and supports the Conservative Party. It is generally against the left-wing Labour Party. The Times newspaper will act as a voice for the establishment (the wealthy and powerful) and will not support anything that threatens major changes to the status quo.


1) What is the main readership demographic for The Times newspaper? Add as much detail as you can.

The main demographic of  The Times are wealthy older generation who are strictly traditional and most likely religious. They are an educated group who enjoy gossiping as well as earning a huge sum of money. 

2) What aspects of the front page of the Times CSP edition suggest that their readers are likely to be more educated and interested in hard news rather than entertainment?

The main story portrays how they are able to argue and expand their explanation against the government about private school fees. They contain the knowledge to make their own decisions as a group.

3) Times readers are mostly over 55 years old. Why is this and how is this reflected by the new stories and kickers in the CSP pages we have studied?  

Times readers are old as nowadays many people read their news online and no longer use the old fashioned printed newspapers. This is reflected in the pug as it shows they don't watch block buster films like Marvel which is why a Marvel beginners guide has also been placed .

4) What is the main audience pleasure offered by the Times? Use Blumler & Katz Uses and Gratifications theory.

The main pleasures offered are:
 surveillance/information- explore what is going on around the world, information about British politics
personal identity-on conservative parties side, strong affiliation with political party
diversion- entertained by royal news or urgent/serious news

5) Why might a reader enjoy this CSP edition of the Times? Use Blumler & Katz Uses and Gratifications theory categories and write as detailed an analysis as you can.

A reader might enjoy this CSP edition as it shows diversion/entertainment to more wealthier British citizens this is because they enjoy reading about information from around the world and gain new knowledge to use in their daily life.


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