
Showing posts from February, 2022

The Times - Representation and Industries

  Representation 1) What representation of private schools can be found on the main front page story of the Times?   Private schools can be represented as elite as education is views as important. This represents fee paying schools in a positive way. 2)  What representation of the Conservative Party can be found in the story at the top of the front page 'Calls for criminal enquiry as top ministers deny security leak'?  The Conservative party is represented in ones of the stories as the newspaper  often act as a voice for the establishment  and will   supports the government and creates a representation of the Conservative Party as being law-abiding and open to scrutiny. 3) How are the Royal Family represented in the  Times ?  (See front page  'Fitting tribute' - Duchess of Cambridge picture and the inside page 'Royal Anzac Day on both sides of the world').  The Royal family are represented as an important traditional icon of Br...

The Times - Language and Audience

February 22, 2022 THE TIMES - LANGUAGE AND AUDIENCE   Language 1) What is the main story on the front cover of the Times CSP edition (26 April 2019) and why does it appeal to Times readers? The main story is talking about private schools that are going against the labour policy to change the VAT to private school fee. This appeals to a Times reader as they are most likely to be older showing they have kids that go to private schools. 2) List the other news stories and kickers on the front page of the Times CSP edition. Why do you think the Times selected these for the front page? The other stories are about security leak and about sleeping well. Times carefully selected sleeping well for the front cover as most readers have high powered jobs which could cause stress. Also the security leak is about politics and crime which are a few aspects times readers are interested in. 3) What are the main stories on the inside pages of the Times CSP edition and how are they constructed to...

The Times - Introduction

1) What year was   The Times  founded and when did it start using the   Times   name?   The Times  was founded in 1785 by the editor and publisher John Walter I and was named the Times in 1788 2) What content did John Walter suggest the paper would offer in the first edition?  In his first edition, John Walter I explained that “like a well-covered table, it should contain something suited to every palate” including politics, foreign affairs, matters of trade, legal trials, advertisements and “amusements”. In its tone and political neutrality, Walter reserved the right of the newspaper “to censure or applaud either [political party]” and to cover contending issues with respectful “fair argument”. 3) What does the page say about the political views in  The Times ?  The Times  has supported both New Labour and the Conservatives in recent times and supported Remain in the 2016 EU referendum. 4) Who owns  The Times  today and how is...