The Times - Representation and Industries
Representation 1) What representation of private schools can be found on the main front page story of the Times? Private schools can be represented as elite as education is views as important. This represents fee paying schools in a positive way. 2) What representation of the Conservative Party can be found in the story at the top of the front page 'Calls for criminal enquiry as top ministers deny security leak'? The Conservative party is represented in ones of the stories as the newspaper often act as a voice for the establishment and will supports the government and creates a representation of the Conservative Party as being law-abiding and open to scrutiny. 3) How are the Royal Family represented in the Times ? (See front page 'Fitting tribute' - Duchess of Cambridge picture and the inside page 'Royal Anzac Day on both sides of the world'). The Royal family are represented as an important traditional icon of Br...