December PPE Paper 2: Learner Response

WWW: This is a phenomenal response. well done! Great depth to your responses, excellent focus on the questions, strong arguments throughout. Keep this going!

EBI: Revise a few key details for Lara Croft Go & Keep an eye on you written english.

2) On a scale of 1-10 (1 = low, 10 = high), how much revision and preparation did you do for your Media PPE? 6 - I revised by looking at media McGuffin and doing mind maps on the television and video games.

3) Use the mark scheme for this assessment to identify three points you could have made in any of the questions in Section A (Television). 
  • In an attempt to grab the attention of the audience, the episode begins with a fast-paced montage recap sequence signalled by a ‘Previously’ caption on the first shot. This can hold the audience’s attention by quickly establishing genre while refreshing the audience’s memory of ongoing storylines.
  • The dominant attitudes and values in the 1960s included the expectation of greater respect and obedience to be shown by teenagers towards adults. Any representation of a teenager breaking these cultural codes would be more shocking in the 1960s than it would today.
  • Susan is a lone teenager in an adult world; she is less prominent in the story than her teachers and her grandfather and does not have the power to assert her own will. April however offers a more modern, active representation. She makes her own decisions and is physically capable of defending herself and her mother which would indicate some changes in the social and cultural contexts.

4) There are three 20-mark essay questions in Media Paper 2. What will you do to improve your performance in the 20-mark essays in the March PPEs?  
  • Revise Lara Croft Go
  • Make my sentences make sense

5) Question 5 is a synoptic question that requires you to refer to other CSPs from the whole GCSE Media course. What other CSPs could you have used for this Question 5 on whether media products are just created to make money? 

  • Reveal
  • Tatler 
  • OMO


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