statement of intent



• Title: MERGE

• Narrative: Two girls discovering alien like creatures in a laboratory

• Extract: Season 1 finale

Media Language

I plan to meet the brief (Science Fiction TV sequence) by having 3 characters shown in my two minutes sequence who are Dillena (side character), Rayaa (main character) and Evangeline (villain). Also, by using non-diegetic sounds by having a low tense soundtrack which shows action codes as the audience knows that there will be danger and conflict happening. Furthermore, I will use a variety of camera shots in my 2-minute sequence by using a low angle shot showing Evangeline - my villain (Propp Character Type theory) smiling to herself after killing Dillena to emphasise her strength which will create terror and thrill for the audience which uses Uses and Gratifications to shows diversion.

 In addition, I will be using two locations one in a park where Dillena will be running away from Evangeline to show science fiction genre and a sense of personal identity because it reflects everyday life. My other location will be an office with Rayaa in it over the phone with Dillena. I will create narrative by having a disequilibrium which is Dillena being chased by Evangeline and then my equilibrium being Dillena being killed by Evangeline which will create drama. Finally, I will plan to end my two minutes sequence by having a cliff hanger which is Evangeline telling Rayaa over the phone that “You are next”. Evangeline will have black eyeshadow around her eyes which will show the science fiction genre as she has alien like features and her lips will be red to create fear for the audience.

Audience and Representation

My target audience is specified for: older teenagers and young adults (15-26); mainly female; from America and England; middle class people. My target audience is also specified for explorers, mainstreamers, and reformers. Other TV shows that my audience would enjoy are Shadow & Bone and Stranger Things. I will target this specific audience by having an empowering and independent female lead who subverts traditional stereotypes and gender norms. Furthermore, my characters will subvert stereotypes as they are all dominant and powerful female leads who can carry themselves and aren’t damsel in distresses that need saving and a man to always help them. Moreover, my cast will contain Asian characters which reflects modern Britain’s acceptance of diversity.  In my 2 minutes sequence I will have visceral and vicarious pleasure when Dillena is running away from Evangeline but then gets killed and with cut crossing between Rayaa and Dillena. Plus, my audience will feel some sense of personal relationship between Dillena and Rayaa as they are friends.



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