Preliminary exercise learner response

 WWW: This is a solid preliminary exercise that largely meets the brief. I like what you’ve tried to do with the opening shot of the phone but you needed to get a little closer in! The music fits the genre effectively and you’ve successfully offered a narrative resolution as the brief requires. The final lines of dialogue are good but you could have left it on a cliffhanger! “Then what am I?” Lots to build on here for the real coursework.

EBI: A few comments to consider for the real production – the main one being the timing of the editing. The initial few cuts feel very rushed and mean that the pacing of the conversation feels unnatural. You want to cut between the two sides of the conversation at a pace which makes the dialogue feel realistic and natural. The last few lines are much better for this. Other feedback would be to lose the text on screen (the font doesn’t work for the genre and you won’t be able to use text in the real production anyway). Finally, in that first shot of the phone there is a bit of someone’s hand in front of the lens for a fraction of a second – you’d need to re-shoot that if it was the real production!

LR: What have you learned about filming and editing from this preliminary exercise? What will you change or do differently for your real coursework production over the next three weeks? 

I have learned that filming and editing takes time and that location is very important. I will change my soundtrack and make the audio of the character the same and use different camera angles


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