Media assessment learner response

 WWW- This is a superb assessment and clearly demonstrates your excellent knowledge and understanding of the CSPs and media terminology. Well done! 

EBI- One simple area to focus on: the unseen text. If you can develop your unseen analysis and pick up a significant number pf marks at the beginning of Paper 1 you should be on course for that top grade. 

2) Look at Question 3 in the assessment - the media analysis of the Under Armour advert.

Use CLAMPS to revise mise-en-scene and write about each element of CLAMPS for the Under Armour advert. E.g.:

C - Costume: The player is wearing red and black rugby kit which has connotations of danger and power.

L - Lighting: The stadium floodlights tell the audience the dangers the rugby player can overcome by wearing the product.

A - Actor placement and movement: The rugby player is serious and shows him pushing a tire emphasizing the rugby players strength. 

M - Make up: The player's face is shining under the lights which makes it look like he is empowering the tyre.

P - Props: The tyre is significant because it highlights the strength of the rugby player.

S - Setting: the stadium setting suggests to the audience that the rugby player is powerful

3) Look at Question 4. What is Todorov's theory of equilibrium? How does it link to the Audrey Hepburn Galaxy advert?  Todorov's theory of equilibrium basically states that most story's or plot lines follow the same pattern or path. Equilibrium- Audrey Hepburn on the bus Disequilibrium- Bus crashes into market stall  New Equilibrium- Audrey Hepburn is sitting in the car

4) What social class is Reveal aimed at? (Extension - what do the cover lines on Reveal suggest about what working class people are interested in?) Reveal is aimed at working class and middle class. 

5) Pick three cover lines from Tatler that reflect upper class British culture and society. Explain what they suggest about the lifestyle and beliefs of upper class British people.
Tatler- serif font to connote Britain's traditional values; sans serif connotes Britain's modern value; Central image wears costume connoting aristocracy and tradition as well as wealth (brocade, pearls) but the make-up is strong and bold, suggesting confidence of the upper class and a more modern, edgy upper class which reinforces the message of the main cover line: ‘The New Posh: rules for the 21st century.’  


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