Summer Project: coursework planning

Class EP 4:
Narrative- Drama is created when April’s heart is taken over by Corakinus which leads her to nearly hurting the people around her. The storyline is resolved by April taking the control away from Corakinus and finally realising where Corakinus is.
Character- April the main character subverts stereotypes by being a strong female lead who is powerful and independent rather than being a damsel in distress. April’s mum subverts stereotypes by showing that disabled people aren’t helpless and weak by her being strong for the sake of April.
Iconography- When the portal to Corakinuses planet is shown there is cgi used to show the science fiction genre and when April’s eyes turn orange showing she is being controlled and is in trouble.
Setting- April’s house and street look like any normal place in Britain making the audience feel personal identity.
2)TV drama planning 

Plan out the title and narrative for your new, original Science Fiction / Fantasy TV drama so you know how your ending scene will fit into the overall series.

Complete this TV drama pitch document with your NEW original idea for a Science Fiction / Fantasy TV drama aimed at teenagers and young adults.
Title: Creaturae 
Longline: about creatures from another continent which their have been rumours about in the press but the rumours haven’t been confirmed and in that continent there seem to be creatures who can disguise themselves as humans and are planning trouble and chaos.
Other successful TV dramas similar to yours: Shadow and Bone, Us 
Narrative resolution: revealed that their is a traitor in the group and the mc will loose someone close and see the characters change after this shock. 
Two locations: A garage where the villains is revealed in a eerie dark place and to show danger with the darkness of the villain. Plus a room where the main character find out she has been betrayed by her trusted friend and turns out to be the enemy.
Props and costume: make up on villains and horns on her head. Also a lab coat and a staff.
3)Statement of Intent

On the same Summer Project blogpost, write the rough first draft of your genuine 300-word Statement of Intent for the two-minute sequence you plan to create. The final draft of this document will be submitted to the exam board alongside your Science Fiction TV drama extract and is worth 10 marks of the overall 60 marks available.

Guidance is provided by AQA in their NEA Student Booklet but we strongly recommend you also look at our Statement of Intent suggested content document too.
The title of my tv show is Creaturae. The narrative is a new species called dizyens that have been discovered and they can disguise themselves as humans and it’s a job of a few scientists to find them before chaos unfolds on earth. My two minutes clip will be season 1s finale of the show.
I will meet the brief by having atleast two locations one in a garage and one in a labatory. Also I will meet the brief by usinb digentic and nondigetic codes when there is trouble or when the characters head a loud sound.
The audience will know that my tv show is science fiction and fantasy genre by makeup the dizyens will have and lab coats the scientists will wear. I will create a narrative resolution by revealing how the dizyens look and how one of the scientists dies. The target audience for my show is young adults and people who are from 15-27 who like the fantasy genre and mystery and have read books like red queen and renegades and hunger games. Also who like travelling and it is targeted at main streamers and aspirers. By using blumler and Katz theory my audience will experience personal relationships and feel entertained by my two minutes.


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