Class: Language and Representation

Language and close-textual analysis

1) Write an NCIS analysis for the episode - using notes from the screening in class. Make specific, detailed reference to moments in the text using media terminology (e.g. media language - camera shots and movement, editing, diegetic/non-diegetic sound, mise-en-scene etc.)

Co-owner of a Lonely Heart

Narrative: Clip 1 - April the main character who is shown as a strong female lead shares her heart with Coriakinus who is one of the villains and they have a shared heart narrative which is both episodic narrative and a narrative arc.

Camerawork: Clip 1 - Slow tilt/ crane shot used for transitions from Shadow Kin world to April's bedroom shows connection between them.

Editing: Clip 1 - visuals effects/ CGI used for glowing blue anchor.

Sound: Clip 1 - sound effects used when Corakinus appears on screen connotes tension and danger/evil.

Mise-en-scene: Swords used to shows connection between April and Corakinus.

2) How does Todorov's theory of equilibrium apply to Co-owner of a Lonely Heart? Try and use the expanded version of Todorov's theory: Equilibrium - Disruption - Recognition - Reparation - New equilibrium. You can find reminder notes on all these narrative theories here - just scroll down to narrative.
The equilibrium is that Ram, April and everyone are trying to beat the Shadow Kin King and try get April's heart back and the disruption is the Shadow Kin King trying to connect his heart to April so he can know where she is. The reparation is April fighting back and healing her disabled mum and finally the new equilibrium is April and Ram go in to the Shadow Kin Dimensions 

3) Applying Propp's character theory, what character roles do each of the main characters in Class fit into? Alternatively, you may wish to discuss how characters do not fit Propp's character types. April - damsel in distress at first but then becomes the hero by the end. April’s dad and Corakinus Kin King - villain as they have suspicious music pop up when they are shown. 

4) What enigma and action codes (Barthes) can you find in Co-owner of a Lonely Heart? Make specific, detailed reference to the text using media terminology (e.g. media language - camera shots, diegetic/non-diegetic sound, mise-en-scene etc.) Both enigma codes and action codes are shown when April’s dad walk with shady glasses to somewhere making the audience wonder where April’s dad is going and what is he up to. Also the sound (non-digetic sound) making the audience aware that something dangerous or bad will happen and that April’s dad seems to be a villain.


1) How is gender represented in Class - Co-owner of a Lonely Heart? Are gender stereotypes reinforced or subverted? Gender is represented in a positive limelight in class as it subverts and challenges  more stereotypes of gender rather than reinforcing them. Gender stereotypes are subverted by having April, Ms Quill, Tanya and the new Headmistress being strong female leads who don’t need saving and can protect themselves and stand their ground. Whilst gender stereotypes of woman are also reinforced at the beginning of episode 4 by April being shown as a damsel in distress who needs saving "I think April’s in danger". Plus stereotypes of men are reinforced by having Ram being the hero at the beginning telling Tanya about the fact that April is in danger. However make stereotypes are subverted by Charlie being shown as emotional and not someone cold-hearted also showing the reality of Charlie not being a hero "I’m no hero but it’s hope".

2) How is age (e.g. teenagers; older people like teachers or parents) represented in Class - Co-owner of a Lonely Heart? Does the show reinforce or challenge stereotypes about young people? Age is represented in class by both adults (parents and teachers) and teenagers (main character). Age stereotypes are reinforced by showing teens as being rebelling which is shown when April is talking to her mum on the table with Ram. Also when Tanya, Matteuzs and Charlie are joking around for a while near the lockers showing teenagers as immature and childish. 
But stereotypes of age is reinforced by teens by April being shown as mature and strong willed.

3) How is race and ethnicity represented in Class - Co-owner of a Lonely Heart? Are  stereotypes reinforced or subverted? Race and ethnicity is represented in class as diverse with difference ethnicities and races. This reflects BBC's remit to represent modern Britain as diverse.

4) How is sexuality represented in Class - Co-owner of a Lonely Heart? How does this reflect the BBC's remit to represent modern Britain? Sexuality is presented as normal in class and not something abnormal or odd which is shown by Matteuzs and Charlie being a gay which reflecting  BBC’s remit in modern Britain being more diverse. 

5) How is disability represented in Class - Co-owner of a Lonely Heart? Why are disabled people generally under-represented in the media and how does Class try to address this? Disability stereotypes are subverted in Class as April’s mum isn’t shown as helpless or someone pitiful but a character who is strong willed and overprotective of her daughter and someone her daughter can rely on even though she is disabled. Which shows disability is represented in a positive light in class which is pretty rare in media.


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