Class: Industry and Audience


1) What was the objective of BBC3 when it was launched? You can find the answer in the notes above. To entertain young adults and get whovians excited.

2) Why did BBC3 go online-only in February 2016? BBC3 went only online because the budget was cut of by £100million and was then made going online.

3) How does Class meet the BBC's mission statement to 'inform, educate and entertain'? Class meets BBC's mission statement by entertaining the audience by having a science-fiction and horror.

4) How did the distribution of Class contribute to the failure of the show with audiences? Because the time slots were messed up for the show and the audience was confused overall on the shows release which shows that the distribution wasn't done properly 

5) What advertising and marketing was used to try and promote Class to an audience? Why do you think this wasn't very successful? By realising many teasers and having Doctor Who star in the trailer even though it was just for a while to get Doctor Who fans excited. I think this wasn’t very successful because the Doctor was only shown for a while and the audience didn't know what time the show would release.


1) What were the viewing figures for Class and why do you think it did so badly? Look at the notes above to find out the answers. Class failed to reach 1 million viewers and each time an EP was released the view count would drop massively. I think the show did so badly was because there was no original plan BBC had thought about to do with Class and because of that it lead to confusion among the audience.

2) What audience psychographic groups might particularly enjoy Class? You can revise Pyschographics here. Age from 16-34, middle class, both females and male, people interested in sci-fiction, horror and doctor who. 

3) What audience pleasures are offered by Class - Co-owner of a Lonely Heart? Apply Blumler and Katz's Uses and Gratifications theory to the episode. Make sure you provide specific examples from the episode to support your ideas.

Personal Identity: The audience may have related to the main characters family situations like Tanyas and April’s because there mothers are over protective and stern with their children. Plus some of the audience may relate to Matteuz who is dating Charlie because there family may not accept them like Matteuzes. 

Personal Relationships: The audience would anticipate and be worried for characters like Ram who lost him leg and April who has to share her heart with the shadow kin. 

Diversion (Escapism): The audience is intrigued and excited by the thriller and mystery and different plot twists making the audience want to continue the show also the aspects of action making the audience feel visceral pleasure as they are over joyed by the fighting and violence. 

Surveillance (Information / Facts): Class had no information and surveillance which is actually true and educates the audience it is mainly diversion and entertainment.

4) Thinking of the 3 Vs audience pleasures (Visceral, Vicarious and Voyeuristic pleasures), which of these can be applied to Class - Co-owner of a Lonely Heart? Visceral pleasure from the action in the show, when the shadow kin comes to fight. Plus vicarious as they may want to be like April and be a hero.

5) How did fans in the 'Whoniverse' (also known as 'Whovians') react to Class? Watch the fan reaction video (and read the YouTube comments) embedded above or check the comments in the extension articles below to help with this. Whoniverse fans reacted in an excited way and anticipated the show as they seemed to like the mystery and thriller theme of the show which in the end of Class the plot twist left many fans in shock.

Comparison: An Unearthly Child and Co-owner of a Lonely Heart

1) How are the technical conventions different between 1963 Doctor Who and 2016 Class (e.g. camerawork, editing, sound and mise-en-scene)? The technical conventions are different between 1963 Doctor Who and 2016 Class because the camerawork  is not blurry or foggy and very smooth because technology had developed unliked Doctor Who where the camera was blurry and not steady. Plus there are cgi affects and very well done editing in 2016 Class which obviously wouldn’t be possible in 1963 as TV was new then. Plus the clothes are more modern and the school Coal Hill Academy in 2016 Class showing it is new and modernised unlike 1963 Doctor Who where the clothes were out of date and Coal Hill School was the name showing it is old fashioned.

2) What similarities and differences are there between An Unearthly Child and Co-owner of a Lonely Heart in terms of the science-fiction genre? The similarities between An Unearthly Child and Co-owner of a Lonely Heart in terms of science-fiction genre are they both have monsters/creatures/aliens and consist of the Doctor and Tardis whilst the difference between both in terms of the science fiction genre is Unearthly Child is about time travel whilst Co-owner of a Lonely Heart is about travelling dimensions and saving Earth from those specific creatures.

3) What similarities and differences are there between An Unearthly Child and Co-owner of a Lonely Heart in terms of how they meet the BBC's remit to inform, educate and entertain? Doctor Who An Unearthly Child has educate and inform as it gives historical context to the audience whilst Co-owner of a lonely heart has neither. But both have diversion and entertainment by have mystery and high school as their hybrid genres.

4) How are representations of people, places and groups similar or different in the two shows? The representation between Doctor who and Class is different because in class we have a strong female lead and diversity in gender, race and sexuality (which isn’t very common) whilst Doctor who had only white middle class people with misogynistic characters like the Doctor himself.

5) What similarities and differences can you find in terms of the audience pleasures for An Unearthly Child and Co-owner of a Lonely Heart? The similarities between An Unearthly Child and Co-owner of a Lonely Heart in terms of audience pleasures is both have visceral pleasure and being diversions (escapism) by the mystery making the audience excited and intrigued to know what will happen next. Whilst the difference between the both in terms of audience pleasures are An Unearthly child had not only diversion it also have information telling the audience about history which Co-owner of a Lonely heart doesn’t have as it is mainly diversion. 


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