Magazines blog assessment

 1) What is a convention of a magazine cover? Give an example from Tatler[2 marks]                                  A convention of a magazine cover is a typical feature used on the front cover of magazines e.g. title of publication, barcode and central image. An example of a convention of a magazine cover from Tatler would be the colour scheme which consists mainly of the colours gold, white, pink with a little bit of yellow and green. The gold is used to connote wealth and luxuries appealing to an upper-class and posh audience whilst the pink and white connote femininity and an angelic type of feel for the target audience. Finally the greens and yellow connote tranquillity and warmth.

2) How does the front cover of Tatler use media language to appeal to its target audience? [6 marks]      One way the front cover of Tatler use media language to appeal to its audience by using non-verbal codes such as the central image. The central image has a model who is wearing pearls and a golden-white dress to connote luxury and wealth because Tatler's target audience is the upper-class which will make them want the dress and pearl necklace for themselves. Plus the dress may appeal to the target audience which is aspirers because they love fashion and spending money.
Plus the colour scheme may appeal to the target audience which is posh people and the upper-class because it consists of gold, white, pink with a little bit of yellow and green. The gold is used to connote riches appealing to an upper-class and posh audience whilst the pink connote femininity and empowerment. Finally the greens and yellow connote tranquillity and warmth which may also appeal to the target audience because they are succeeders as they are rational and may feel calm and peaceful after seeing the organised and neat presentation of the colour scheme in the magazine. Another way the front cover of Tatler uses media language to appeal to its audience is by using verbal codes such as the title of publication "Tatler" which uses sans-serif font to connote that they are formal and classy. This appeals to the target audience because posh people like to be seen as expensive and Tatler is a magazine company that helps people to spend their money. Whilst the slogan "THE NEW POSH" uses sans to show that they are modern and sophisticated.

3) How does the front cover of Reveal magazine represent female celebrities? [12 marks]                                                             The front cover of Reveal magazine represents females celebrities as maternal and caring which is a positive conventional view in society. This is shown in the cover line at the bottom right of Reveals magazine cover "blooming baby bumps" which could connote the word "blooming"  being used as in giving a new hope or something beautiful about to be made (baby) and life being happy and joyful this is also shown again with the central image of  Cheryl's face smiling showing she is happy and seems content having a child. 
On the other hand, the front cover of Reveal magazine represents females celebrities as being obsessed with relationships and dramatic which is a negative conventional view in society. This is implied when Reveal shows Lauren saying "We're in love. It's the strongest relationship I've ever had" connoting that she's had many relationships before but none of them have ever worked out other than the one she is currently in - also showing her as desperately trying to find love until she met her lover who she found in prison. Females are also shown as dramatic when in one of the cover lines it says" Katie plots SECRET MEETINGS with Pete" with the bold font and using sans font to make it stand out and seem over-dramatic and the paparazzi shot which is taken showing both Pete and Kate on the phone even though they have broken up and this is shown again when Laurens story/experience is right next to her ex Mikes coverline/story on his relationship "At home with Mike and Michelle"- leading the audience to think most females are scandalous and troublesome making Reveal seem narrow-minded or representing. 
Finally, the front cover of Reveal magazine represents females celebrities as down to earth (just like us) and relatable which is a positive conventional view in society. This is clearly shown in the cover line in the Reveal magazine "STUFF THE DIET!" connoting that even celebs who have to take care of their body don't diet and inspiring the audience to not diet and be confident on how they look and that they don't need to diet to look pretty and don't need to follow beauty standards. Also Reveal is being shown in a positive light for subverting the stereotype of women needing to diet because it mentions forgetting about the diet and not caring about it.


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