Reception theory: blog task


1) What is the preferred reading of a media text? The preferred reading of a media text is the message or ideology/ belief the producers want you to go away with.

2) What is the oppositional reading of a media text? The oppositional reading of a media text is when the consumer takes away an opposite message or ideology/belief than the producer wants you to.

3) How does the Harry Brown trailer position the audience to respond to the teenage characters in the film? The Harry Brown trailer position the audience to respond to the teenage characters in the film as dangerous and violent as they are shown with gun, weapons and use rude language. Furthermore, the producer wants the consumer to think the young people are the villains in the movie and because of that the vulnerable innocent old man called harry has to take action himself.

4) Why might young people reject this reading and construct an oppositional reading of the trailer? Young people might reject this reading and construct an oppositional reading of the trailer because not all young people are dangerous. Plus this stereotype that young people are unpleasant is false as statistics show younger people do fewer crimes, smoking, taking drugs, and drink. Moreover, younger people are influenced by adults and think around them so the cause of a few young people doing crimes could be because of adults. Lastly, young people can be taken out of the darkness if only one person can was to fill that spot in their hearts and deep down they are innocent and naive young people who have come across the reality of the world sooner than most people do.

5) Write a 150+ word analysis of the McDonald's advert using preferred, negotiated, and oppositional readings

Applying Stuart Halls Reception Theory, a preferred reading for the McDonald's advert would be that the Big Mac is mouth-watering and delicious- this is shown in the image with the juicy beef and perfectly well structure of the Big Mac. Furthermore, the producer wants the audience to think that the Big Mac is like a whole meal because it says "a meal disguised as a sandwich". Also, another preferred reading would be they want the audience to think the Big Mac is healthy and doesn't make you gain weight even when you're on a diet. This is purposely implied in the advertisement when it says "fresh crisp lettuce" "crunchy dill pickle slices" and "freshly toasted- and the image of the Big Mac also has the lettuce sticking out. The producer wants the consumer to also think there is a lot of flavor in the Big Mac which will make the consumer come to McDonald's to buy the Big Mac- when it says "melted cheddar" and "100% beef". Finally, the producer wants the consumer to think once they eat this they will be full as it is a size of a full meal that is why in the poster it says "bring us your bigger than average appetite".

However, the oppositional reading would be that some of the audience could be vegetarian and wouldn't eat this, after all, it has "100% beef" and some people who are dieting wouldn't eat this either as they know that it is unhealthy to eat. In addition, most of the audiences would know they will be disappointed if they went to McDonald's as it wouldn't be as perfect as it is on the image. Another oppositional reading could be that previous customers of McDonald's would know the description of the Big Mac is nothing like it is in reality. Plus the Big Mac wouldn't actually make you feel full and make you feel like you ate a full meal as it is very small compared to the image the Big Mac is shown in.

In conclusion, the negotiated reading would be that people know that the Big Mac is unhealthy and can make you gain weight but the consumer would still eat it once in a while as it is really good or as a reward because they may have achieved something. Or because they are sad and want to eat something good.

6) My Ad

Applying Stuart Halls Reception Theory, a preferred reading for the KFC advertisement would be that The Family Feast is very cheap (£12.99) because if you would buy a full-size meal in an expensive restaurant (like Black Swan) it would be a very high price. The Family Feast shows that it is a large quantity of food- this is shown in the title "feast" and feast means a large meal, typically a celebratory one. Plus in the title, it also says "family" which implies that you can share the food with family/friends. Or this can connote that the meal is so large that you can't eat it by yourself unless you have a big appetite or don't eat before you go to KFC to buy The Family Feast. Moreover, the advertisement poster shows beans which purposely demonstrated to the audience that The Family Feast is healthy in some sort of wayThe advertisement poster also shows a variety of things: chicken wings, chips, beans, coca-cola, and some sort of bun which presents to the consumer that The Family Feast has a lot of food which will make you feel stuffed and in the end the money that the consumer spends will be worth it. Lastly, The Family Feast has a lot of flavors and if you dislike one thing you may like the other options the meal has in it because there is so much with the meal like chicken wings, chips, beans, coca-cola, and a bun.

However, the oppositional reading would be that some of the audience may not like junk food or unhealthy stuff, and The Family Feast is mainly junk food so they would not buy The Family Feast. Whilst others may not buy The Family Feast because they are dieting and the consumers most likely know KFC's food as a lot of calories in it which will make their dieting useless. Plus for people who come by themselves, the food will be too much and it will most likely be wasted however at the same time the meal won't actually make you feel stuffed and make you feel as if you've eaten a whole entire meal if you buy The Family Feast. Moreover, The Family Feast will uses "family" which makes some of the audience think that if the meal might not be able to fill up one person how will it make a whole family feel like they have eaten so much unless you have a small appetiteLastly, old customers and some consumers who see the advertisement will know the food which is shown in the poster is not how it looks like in reality example: the chicken wings won't be as golden and perfectly fried; the chips will be soggy and flimsy unlike the advertisement; the bun won't be looking fresh as when you go to buy The Family Feast.

In conclusion, the negotiated reading would be that people know that The Family Feast has a lot of calories but the consumer would want to treat themselves once in a while. Plus if the consumer is an old customer and know how it is they would want to buy it more because they liked and the other consumers who have never tried The Family Feast would want to give it a try and if they dislike it they don't need to buy of again whilst if they like The Family Feast they can buy it again.


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