October assessment learner response

WWW: This is a seriously impressive first assessment - well done! You write in depth and use media terminology accurately throughout. 

EBI: Very simple: question focus on the higher-mark question. Using a paragraph will also help show the examiner you are making multiple points.

Q1: 1/1
Q2: 0/1 forgot what low angle was.
Q3: 2/2
Q4: 2/2
Q5: 2/2
Q6: 3/3
Q7: 1/2 Extend my answer for my first point. 
Q8: 4/4
Q9: 4/8 Write a second paragraph with an another example with a kid on it.
3) Did you get any media terminology wrong in the assessment? NO

4) Identify one of your stronger questions. Why did you do better on this question? Questions 8 and 6 because I could find and explain the denotations and connotations of the questions properly.

5) Identify one of your weaker questions. Why did you score lower on this particular question?  Q7 as I didn't write my first point in detail and the last question I didn't write a second media advertisement product for my second paragraph.

6) Re-draft your answer to Q9 and type it out in full. Use the mark scheme to identify anticipated content you can add to your response and make sure your typed re-draft is a top-level answer of at least two detailed paragraphs. 

Charities use pictures of children in their advertisements because the producer wants the consumer to feel sympathy and be understanding of what the child is going through. However if they put an adult in a advert it won't have a great effect as a child would as the consumer may think the adult should work and do something themselves so it wont make the audience feel sorrow unlike a child who can't work. An example for this is Water aid they use a child to make the audience feel heart-broken as parents in the audience could imagine their children. Plus the sunlight on the young boy who has a sorrowed face shows there will be hope if the consumer donates and the boys upset look could turn into a joyful smile.

Moreover charities use pictures of children in their advertisements because they make the audience feel like a child is pure so they obviously want to help an innocent person. Also they want the consumer to feel sombre and pity for the child so they will donate because they will feel guilty and be reminded what they would feel like if they were in the child's shoes. An example of this is UNICEF they use blue to connote the sadness the kids feel and the globe encourages the audiences to help the children and the consumer can feel content as they help can do what is in their ability to help.


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