Mise-en-scene Stranger Things analysis

1) What do each of the letters in CLAMPS stand for? 

C- costume & makeup  

L - lighting & colour

A- actors placement and movement

M- makeup

P- props

S- scene & setting

2) What TV genre is Stranger Things? 
The genres of Stranger Things is horror, sci-fiction and fantasy.

3) Choose THREE aspects of mise-en-scene and write a short paragraph for each about the denotation and connotation in the opening 8 minutes of Stranger Things. 

 The mise-en-scene help to communicate the genre of Stranger Things is sci-fiction, horror and fantasy because of lighting, setting & props and actor placement/movement with some of bits of costume & makeup. 

Lighting & Colour
At the start of Stranger Things there are flickering light in different places like elevator, garage, bike lights, shed and lab which shows the audience that there is danger and the ominous creature is in the area because it seemed to appear at those moments. Plus the shadows and darkness as well as the fog creates a threatening aura/atmosphere and the tint of green light verifies that the genre is sci-fiction with the creature which just escaped a laboratory. 

Actor placement/movement
The actor placement of the character at the laboratory who is in running to the elevator must be petrified because he seemed desperate to get away from whatever was lurking behind the door between him and life - also he is wearing a lab coat which implies he is working at the laboratory and he is a scientist. Moreover the actor placement in Mikes house in the basement around the table suggests that they are friends and may be the main characters. Finally at the end of the opening where Will is holding a gun shaking in fear after he saw a slender shadow shows us that the creature is back which makes us kind of worried for Will and his safety as we think he may die already. This implies this is a horror genre.

In Stranger Things Mikes house has a sprinkler which shows he has a middle class subarban life and the 4 boys are playing a game called Dragons & Dungeons which shows they may be teenagers and this may be a fantasy genre. Their clothes give a retro type of feel. In addition to this the telephone (landline), phones, TV communicates the timeline which is 1980s as well as the boys bikes tell us this. There is a sign when Will goes of on his own which says "restricted area" and the labatories name which may show it has something to do with the government and they are up to a secret project.


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