Key Concepts film poster analysis blog task


The Avengers Endgame film poster is immediately recognisable as a film poster because the actor names are placed across the poster along the bottom just above the film's title. The title 'Avengers Endgame' is the largest text on the poster which clearly communicates to the audience that this is the title. The title is bold and brightest in the poster which stands out because it is the only large text and it is below the images of the actors. The characters holding weapons connote its an action, adventure and some sort of drama. The colours in the poster may suggest that the movie has something to do with the galaxy which may further indicate that one of the Avengers Endgame genres is also science fiction. The central image is of one a group of people which seems like a team is going to be going against a big dilemma as the look on their faces is serious. On the left coner is someone looking down whch could connte that he is the villian as he is looking down on the rest.

The Avengers Endgame is a Walt Disney Pictures film starring Robert Downy JR and made $2,797,800,564 at the worldwide box office against a budget of $356,000,000 (estimated). The directors were Anthony Russo, Joe Russo.  Plus it was rated 8.4 stars.

The target audience for The Avengers Endgame would likely be teenagers - perhaps from 13-40 years old. The film was rated PG-13 by the BBFC. The target gender for The Avengers Endgame would be both males and females but perhaps slightly more males as it involves fighting. In terms of audience pleasures, someone might enjoy The Avengers Endgame because the fights will be dramatic and full of action and danger. The film will make the audience feel antispated as there may be many plot twists.

The focal picture shows us a group of people who may be a group of heroes because of there are outfits are looking out in diffrent direction trying to find something e.g. hope. Furthermore they are holding weaponns and sheilds which connotes they are going to be fighting someone However the man in the left corneris not holding any weapons or anything which may indicate he is not part of the team. There are more men in the image which emphasies the steroytype of men bveing more into fighting and action.


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