Analysis of the WaterAid Advert


Denotation: The advert has a boy with a very serious look on his face and a wall which may be a house. Furthermore the font is huge and stands out which makes the audience know what the point of the advert is. Lastly behind the boy there are some trees and a dessert type of place.

Connotation:  The advert builds on the slogan for WaterAid ‘Dig Toilets Not Graves’. The connotation of the wall suggests that the country is developing because the walls are not well constructed and the font is grainy which links to poverty so this may also imply the country is poor. Also the boy has a serious look on his face which connote that he is not joking and wants help.

Analysis: The advert helps the audience/consumer feel grateful that they have toilets and don't have to suffer as much as people around the world do. Plus this helps the audience sympathise with the boy in the poster and make them feel guilty for not doing anything so they will want to help by donating some money to WaterAid which could actually save someones life.


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